
Daeho-al is preparing for the new future with a competitive advantage in the market.

Product Information

Ventilation Systems venQ-3000H~10000H

Vertical Type (V)_Gym/Performance Hall/Auditorium/Factory

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 608회 작성일 21-03-26 10:57



Model Name Air Volume Power(V) Noise(dB) Size(mm) Heat Exchange Efficiency(%) Duct Observation(mm) Weight(kg)
VenQ-R3000 3,000 three-phases/380V/60Hz Below 45dB 1505*1164*1650 Above 70% 400mm Circular Duct 1120kg
VenQ-R5000 5,000 three-phases/380V/60Hz Below 45dB 1505*1164*1650 Above 70% 400mm Circular Duct 1120kg
VenQ-R10000 10,000 three-phases/380V/60Hz Below 45dB 2236*2026*2270 Above 70% 400mm Circular Duct 1500kg
*Specifications are subject to change when the product is upgraded.